Our Beloved Summer (2021) Episode 11

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24 Comments to “Our Beloved Summer (2021) Episode 11

  1. ? ? that childhood was terrible for him . I feel so bad and so emotional ?. Anyways finally they r together now ? I’ve been wait for so long damn!❤️? But that gurl who likes ji ung ! I want them together but he like yensu?. And NJ?? I LUV HER MAN

  2. “She’s not like that. She is a good person”, clearly mentioned by Choi Ung himself when her grandma said she’s rude.
    Is there any other reason needed not to ship them <3.
    I don't resent NJ but she's the one coming between Ung and Yeon su by faking their relation. I thought yeon su might say some hurtful things to him again thinking that he will be happy with NJ but thank god Ung got his ass up and confronted her. TT ??

    1. “She’s not like that. She is a good person”, clearly mentioned by Choi Ung himself when her grandma said she’s rude.
      Is there any other reason needed not to ship them <3.
      I don't resent NJ but she's the one coming between Ung and Yeon su by faking their relation. I thought yeon su might say some hurtful things to him again thinking that he will be happy with NJ but thank god Ung got his ass up and confronted her. TT ??

    2. i don’t think she’s toxic in that sense but she has definitely done things she shouldn’t have. when i look at her situation and thought process when she made those choices , yes it’s bad but i think she’s deeply hurt too. she’s slowly softening, and letting go of her ego. if she redeems herself, she deserves a second chance in my opinion especially that both of them still feel for each other it’s not just her.